Monday, October 24, 2011

Mr. Potatoehead

This was just for fun with Adobe Photoshop. Obviously this was my first.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Andy Warhol

*Within what art genre did Warhol work?
  Warhol was in the pop art genre.

*During what years was he alive?
  August 6, 1928 to February 22, 1987

 Michael Jackson
In this, Andy Warhol uses a triadic color scheme with the primary colors. The work is simple yet it is obviously Michael Jackson in his younger years.
Grey Marilyn Monroe
In this, Warhol uses a monochromatic scheme with a painting of Marilyn Monroe. It is all the same blue but different value for the hair, eyes, etc.

Color Schemes

This is a triadic color scheme

This is an analogous color scheme 

This is a monochromatic color scheme

This has a tetrad color scheme 

This is a complementary color scheme

Friday, October 14, 2011

Review Week Nine

 -Compare and contrast vector graphics and pixel images.
 Vector graphics use mathematic equations and geometric shapes and lines. Pixel images use small squares or dots to make up a image (like a photograph or television graphics).

 -What resolution is necessary to print raster images?
  About 300 dots per inch (dpi)

 -What resolution is necessary to display raster images on the Internet?
 About 72 dpi

Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs

* Who is Steve Jobs?
  The founder of Apple and a "modern Einstein" of technology, especially with computers. He was an inventor too, before his death this year, Oct. 5th.

* What company was he CEO for many years?
  He was full CEO of Apple for 11 years, after he returned from being fired 1985. He incorporated the famous Pixar in 1986. CEO of NeXT since about 1985 and Apple bought the NeXT software and he merged the companies together.

* What did he do for the computer industry?
  Basically, he made better computers and faster software.

* How did this man impact the graphic design industry?
  Since he was one of the leading shareholders of Pixar, I'd say he was the king of graphic design. He made it better and more interesting and life like. Just go see Monsters Inc. and Toy Story!

                                            RIP Steve Jobs: Feb. 24 1955 - Oct. 5 2011

Review Week 8

* Why must designers pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition?
  A certain color combination could irritate the eyes and the brain of the viewer.

* Why is the color wheel an important tool for graphic designers?
  To help decide the color combinations and guide the designer to use certain colors to appeal to the target audience.

 I feel the designer included neutral colors in this design to make the yellow and blue stand out and catch the viewers' eyes and guide them.

* Describe how we "see" the color of an object.
  We don't see the actual color. We see certain wavelengths reflected off of the object, though.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Podcast 2- Color Theory

The right use of color can do what?
Maximize productivity, minimize visual fatigue, and relax the body.

Within the electromagnetic spectrum, which waves allow us to see color?
Visible Light

Describe white light?
Equal parts of all the colors in the visible spectrum.

How do we see color if objects "have no color of their own"?
When the objects absorb or reflect colors in the visible spectrum into our eyes. Reflected color is the color we see.

What is a glass prism?
A transparent, triangular object that breaks white light into all the colors of the visible light spectrum.

What seven colors result when white light is refracted through a prism?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

Describe hue?
The color itself. Each different hue is a different reflected wavelength. There are 7 hues (see above)

When does white light occur?
All the wavelengths are reflected back to your eye.

When does black light occur?
No light is reflected to your eye.

How color is perceived depends on what?
It depends on the type of light it is seen with, the lighting, and the background.

What is a color wheel?
A wheel that show the relationships between primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.

What are primary colors? Name them?
Red, Yellow, and Blue. You cannot make them with other paints.

What are secondary colors? Name them?
Mixed with two primaries, they are Green, Orange, and Purple.

What are tertiary colors? Name them?
Colors mixed with a primary and a secondary color. They are Blue-Green, Red-Violet, etc.

What are neutral colors? How can they be created?
Don't show up on the color wheel, they are colors with very low intensity as far as color (gray etc.). May be created by mixing complementary colors.

How can a neutral color help a design?
They help put focus on other colors in the work or to tone down the overpowering colors.

What are complementary colors? Name them?
Colors opposite on the color wheel. Red's complementary is green.

What is color value?
Lightness or darkness of a hue or color.

What is a shade?
Low value color.

What is a tint?
High value color.

What is saturation/intensity?
Brightness of a color.

What happens when you mix complementary colors together?
Make a dull tone. Complementary colors side by side increases the intensity, though.

Describe color harmony?
Pleasing arrangement of parts or colors.

What is a color scheme?
Arranged harmonious color combinations to engage the viewer and make it pleasing.

Describe a monochromatic color scheme?
Using one color but various tints to make it clean, elegant, and easy on the eyes.

Describe an analogous color scheme?
Three adjacent colors on the color wheel.

Describe a complementary color scheme?
Use complementary colors on the wheel.

Describe a split-complementary color scheme?
A color and the compliment's adjacent colors.

Describe a triadic color scheme?
Three colors equally spaced on the color wheel.

What colors are considered to be warm colors?
Red, orange, and yellow.

Describe a warm color scheme?
Expressed aggression, excitement and danger, and welcoming. Will overpower other colors in the design.

What colors are considered to be cool colors?
Blue, purple, green.

Describe a cool color scheme?
Calm, rarely overpowers the message. Gives the illusion of depth.

Why is important to consider which colors are being used within a design?
Make the colors seem pleasing to the eye for the viewer and have the viewer like the art.