Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week Five

It has shape because it defines a certain part of the image. There are many shapes within this star, defining the star and its center. It has organic shapes and without the use of color defines the image.

This shows lines. See how the lines move and curve, showing movement. The designer used the lines for that purpose, movement and to draw the eyes of the view to a certain part of the image. Because of the thick and slow curve lines, the artist is able to set a smooth and relaxed movement.


This has texture. Artist used the texture of water, flowing, wavy, and somewhat calm. You can see the small bubbles and bumps, you can almost feel it. The light in the picture helps define the texture. So, you can see the waves and the distortion of light helps us see how hard or soft the texture is.

This shows space. The space in this picture can have the sense of losing yourself the longer you look at it. You can see the lines are far apart from each other so your eyes can land anywhere and can be free to wander around area after area.

This poster shows value. Value is basically a scale from black to white, dark to light. This bird has very dark values, setting a dark mood on the bird, not the leaf. The leaf is not as dark, so it draws attention to the viewer from the leaf to the bird down through the feathers. The background is plain so we can focus on the object. You can also see where the "light" hits the bird from the bottom and it gets darker the higher it gets, away from the light.

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